Financial Increase Fast
Hi! My name is Khama Anku, "Coach Khama".
I am a Life Coach, Business Mentor, Author, Speaker, Prophet and Social Justice Activist.
I have been commanded by God to do a 24-Hour Water-Only Financial Increase Fast for everyone who desires INCREASE in their lives.

Let's Fast & Pray For Your:
π Financial Increase
πFinancial Abundance
π Financial Surplus
π Financial Overflow
π Financial Freedom
π Financial Security
π Financial Stability
π Financial Discipline
π Debt Cancellation
π 800+ Credit Score
π Money Management Skills
π Abundant, Fulfilling Work
π Passive Income Streams
π Leveraged, Recurring Income
π Economic Empowerment
π Kingdom Contracts
π Kingdom Collaborations
π Lucrative Endorsements
π Paid-in-Full Properties
π Profitable Investments
π International Business
π Appreciating Assets
π Cash, Checks, Monetary Gifts
π Career Upgrades
π Positive Global Cash Flow
π Hugh Profit Margins
π Massive Economic Growth
π Premier Land Ownership
π Multi Currency Deposits
π Generational Wealth
π Supernatural Bonuses
π Unexpected Money Blessings
π First Class Travel
π 5-Star Accommodations
π Enriching Experiences
π An Affluent Lifestyle
π Large Philanthropic Donations
π Charities Changing The World
It's Time To:
- STEP INTO Divine Wealth!
- RECEIVE Kingdom Finances!
- UNLEASH Surplus and Overflow!
- TRIGGER your Prosperity Anointing!
- ACTIVATE your Abundance Attraction!
- EXPERIENCE Financial Breakthroughs!
January 30-31, 2025
Sign up for FREE!
With your FREE registration, you will receive a comprehensive Fasting Plan including:
1) Eight Benefits of Fasting [VIDEO]
2) How to Fast to get Results
The fasting plan will prepare you for Before, During and After the 24-Hour Financial Increase Fast.
"He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6
This fast will provoke Kingdom Level Increase, Activate Supernatural Debt Cancellation and Initiate Massive Wealth Transfers.
"If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in happiness." - Job 36:11

With your FREE registration, you will receive Powerful Scriptures to stand on before, during and after the 24-Hour Financial Increase Fast.
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than any two-edged sword.” - Hebrews 4:12
Speak these scriptures to trigger the collapse and destruction of all financial famine in your life!
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." - Isaiah 1:19

With your FREE registration, you will receive Powerful Prophetic Releases including:
- Get Rich
- Cash is Coming
- Radical Prosperity
- Explosive Increase
- All Debts Cancelled
- The Wealth Transfer
- Millionaire Anointing
The scripturally sound teachings will activate a dismantling of the spirit of poverty, lack and limitation in your life. While triggering massive cash-flow.
These Anointed Prophecies were crafted specifically to prepare you for Before, During and After the 24-Hour Financial Increase Fast.
"Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." - 2 Chronicles 20:20
I PROPHESY: Supernatural abundance will chase you down and overtake you! Prosperity is your portion, in Jesus name!
"They that seek the LORD shall lack no good thing." - Psalm 34:10

With your FREE registration, you will receive Financial Increase Declarations.
By speaking Anointed Affirmations over yourself and your financial situation Before, During and After the 24-Hour Financial Increase Fast, you will:
1) Trigger a dismantling of every limiting belief regarding being wealthy.
2) Break all curses hindering your ability to prosper.
3) Build confidence and faith that you are worthy, deserving and ready for the Abundant Life.
Repeat these Financial Increase Declarations daily and watch surplus and overflow chase you down and overtake you!
"Decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee." - Job 22:28

Frequently Asked Questions
I have never fasted before. Is this a good place for me to start?
Can I do a modified fast?
While fasting is it okay to take medication or supplements along with the water while abstaining from food?

What do you think about dry fasting (no liquids or solids)?
How do I mentally prepare before the fast begins?
Can I consume flavored water during the water-only fast?
Can I fast during my work day? To my understanding my main focus should be on scripture and things that are of God.
Why do I get a headache when I start fasting?
Does body type matter for fasting?

What is the best time to start the fast?
What if I can't fast for a full 24-hours?
Can I eat fruit during the fast?
What scriptures can I read about fasting?
Is prayer during a fast different than normal everyday prayer?
What should I be doing during the fast?

Is everyone called to fast?
βIβf I have unforgiveness can I still fast?
What about fasting for Diabetics?
Will fasting help me hear from God?
What is the proper way to ask God for direction on a fast?
Can I work-out during the fast?

Can I fast from other things instead of food?
Can I tell someone I am fasting?
If I mess up and break my fast early, what happens?

What is the longest water-only fast that you have done?
What do you recommend for maintenance fasting?
How often do you fast?

What types of food should I eat after the fast is over?
Is it really FREE to participate?
Can I invite others to join this fast?

βοΈ $10,000 Debt Paid βοΈ
βοΈ Money Waiting βοΈ
βοΈ Making Salary βοΈ
βοΈ Loans Removed βοΈ
βοΈ New Job Offer βοΈ
βοΈ $12,467.20 Debt Forgiveness βοΈ
βοΈ Unexpected Money βοΈ
βοΈ Landlord waived $19,486.17 Balance βοΈ
βοΈ Two Raises βοΈ