30 Day Seed Challenge

Sow into the Kingdom for 30 days and watch your life transform!

Q & A Video


What is the 30-Day Seed Challenge?

30DaySeedChallenge.com is an invitation for you to sow a small seed into the Kingdom of God for 30 consecutive days.

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap.” – Galatians 6:7

Why is the Seed Challenge daily? 

As an anointed Prophet and Coach, my assignment is to bring you to a higher level of Kingdom Living.

I noticed life-changing results as soon as I committed and followed through on daily seed sowing.

Then, God commanded me to invite others to sow daily, as well. So, I created the challenge. And since this challenge is just for 30 days, you only need to make a small commitment to get started. 

When you consistently sow, you will consistently reap - no exceptions! 

"Whosoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whosoever sows generously will also reap generously." - 2 Corinthians 9:6

Can't I just sow without giving anything to an actual person?

You are free to do whatever you'd like. But, if you want to sow into the Kingdom, you have to sow a seed into the Kingdom through a Woman of God or Man of God. 

God will bring you a harvest, but you have to plant your seed first. And, guess what? 

God has even given you the seed to plant.

"Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your store of seed and will increase the harvest of your righteousness." - 2 Corinthians 9:10

Most people try to live off their seed and that is why everything is always out of whack for them, most of the time. 

Believers are not meant to live off their seed. We are meant to sow our seed and live off the harvest. Then, we take seed from the new harvest and sow again and continue a divine cycle.

When we don't sow, it's like trying to survive on apple seeds...instead of actual apples.

What can I expect when I start sowing daily seed?

When you sow into anointed, fertile soil - there is a cellular level shift inside of you and an atmospheric shift around you. 

You start to automatically draw closer to God and further away from the world. 

Anointing comes ON!

Strongholds break OFF!

And when you combine sowing with powerful prayer and fasting, harvests generate quickly because you have tapped into the Kingdom of God at a very high level.

Godly Living + Daily Sowing activate the supernatural as a way of life, as opposed to trying to reach it haphazardly (which never works). 

Def. of Haphazardly: In a manner lacking any obvious principle of organization. Marked by lack of plan, order or direction.

How do I sow my seed?

1) Be Intentional

What type of seed are you planting?

Healing? Deliverance? Financial Increase? Recompense? Upgraded Living? Breaking a Toxic Soul Tie? Getting a Loved One Saved?

Sow with intention. Don't sow randomly and sporadically... unless you want to reap random and sporadic harvests. Also, be bold and clear with your desired outcome.

"You have not because you ask not." - James 4:2

2) Be Expectant

When you sow your seed, expect an abundant harvest. BELIEVE. 

Commit to having unwavering faith. 

Expect your harvest, regardless of what your current circumstances look like right now! 

"According to your faith, be it unto you." - Matthew 9:29

3) Be Joyful

The best perspective to have regarding sowing is that it is an opportunity, not an obligation.

The decision is yours, and yours alone to make. SO, if you decide to do it... do it with joy

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under pressure, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

The NEXT scripture goes on to say...

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8 


Q & A Video


How much do I sow every day?

You decide the amount for your challenge:

Option #1

Sow $1/day for 30 consecutive days. 

Option #2

Sow $5/Day for 30 consecutive days. 

Option #3

Sow $10/Day for 30 consecutive days. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you regarding your daily seed amount.

Should I wait until I can sow more?

"If you wait until the wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant anything and never harvest anything." - Ecclesiastes 11:4

If you don't sow, you don't reap. Period. That is God's Word. If the Holy Spirit is telling you to sow, waiting until you have hoarded up a large stash of seed, will not help you. Start sowing now.

Isn't the $1/day option too little?

"Do not despise small beginnings." - Zechariah 4:10

The world system teaches people that in order to "make it" in life you need to GO BIG or GO HOME. 

In the Kingdom of God, you work with what you have and allow God to multiply it. 

If you desire to sow more than $1/day, feel free to do so. Sow $5/day or $10/day or more.

But, know that a little bit consistently with intention, expectation and joy is pleasing to God.

"Well done, good servant! Because you proved yourself faithful and trustworthy in a very little thing, you shall [now] have authority over ten cities [in my kingdom]." - Luke 19:17 AMP

I'm not sure if this is for me.

The opportunity is not for everyone. But if you've been attending my Prophetic Words on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, you are subscribed to my text message service and/or you come under my covering when I fast and pray, on behalf of others... then you know this is highly anointed, holy, fertile soil

If you want a supernatural advancement, increase and expansion... consider making a commitment to doing the 30-Day Seed Challenge.

If you've been connected to this anointing for some time and this anointing doesn't inspire you to sow, perhaps it's time to find another anointing that does inspire you. If you want the full benefits of an anointing, you need to sow into it. 

"Whoever receives a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward." - Matthew 10:41

Can I sow on behalf of someone else? 

Yes! Just like you can pray for someone, you can sow for someone. And just like prayer, the intention needs to be aligned with the Word of God. You can seed sponsor someone with them knowing or you can seed sponsor in secret.

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Should I sow in 30 different places? 

Do farmers sow seed in a bunch of different fields...a little here and a little there? No. 

If a farmer wants a crop of corn and she lives in Los Angeles... she doesn't plant seed in San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Malibu and 25 other cities.

She plants her seed in one field to produce a crop. Then, she nurtures the seed and reaps her harvest. 

Sowing your seed into various different fields doesn't make it more powerful. If you choose to accept the challenge, simply make a decision to sow into this anointed soil and commit to sowing your daily seed for 30 consecutive days.

Can I sow in one lump sum vs. every day? 

Yes! If you would prefer to sow your seed once to cover the entire 30 consecutive days or sow once a week to cover every 7 days, do it.

If that works best for your accounting and lifestyle, that's fine. The most important step is planting seed into good ground, so you connect with the Kingdom of God and disconnect from the world system.

What time of day should I sow?

I found it's best to do it in the morning, as it sets up your day. You know you are covered and connected to the Kingdom all day long. If you forget to sow in the morning, then sow at night. 

Pro Tip #1: Don't Over Think

Don’t waste your time, getting jammed up by your own mental faculties. People with college degrees and Master’s Degrees are failing in life – not because they don’t have the intellect…they have plenty. But rather, because they are not tapping into supernatural realm.

Just make a decision to sow daily. It’s either a yes or a no. Don’t stay stranded in limbo-land.

“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” – James 1:8 

Pro Tip #2: Trust God

Stop putting all of your trust in the world system. De-program your mind from the lies of satan and re-program your mind with the truth of God.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2

You probably have been doing things the world’s way, thinking, “If I just try harder, I’ll catch a break”. No, you will not!

The world system is designed to keep you in bondage, captivity and enslaved until the day your die.    

Trust God and liberate yourself…

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Pro Tip #3: Set A Reminder

Set up an alarm reminder in your phone, labeled “Sow Seed”. That way, the same time every day, you sow. *You can also set up your seed to be sown automatically (see below).

Sow consistently over the next 30 days, intentionally with HIGH expectation of a bountiful harvest and watch what happens.

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.” – Luke 16:10

Q & A Video


Can I automate the process?

Yes! If you would prefer automatic debit, there are links below to set up your seed to be sown automatically every day for 30 consecutive days.

It’s set for a one-time, 30-Day DAILY cycle. After the 30th day, the debits stop.

OR, you can sow manually every day.

I'm ready!

What day should I start?


START TODAY! An added bonus: when you sow into the Kingdom daily, you’ve earned the right to invite others to sow into your Kingdom Assignment daily! 

God is unlimited, unrestricted and unrestrained. Your harvest will come from anywhere. And one way, will be others sowing into your business, ministry and calling.

When you sow daily…

Others will sow into you daily!

“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.” – Luke 6:38

Do you pray over the seeds?

Yes! When you sow into this anointed soil, I pray a Deuteronomy 1:11 Blessing over your seed.

“May the LORD, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised!”

I declare a 1000-fold return on every seed you sow into this anointing, in Jesus name!

I pray for you and for your desire to come to pass. When someone is connected to my anointing, I care for them deeply and understand God has given me the assignment to pray and prophesy over them and their seeds.

Can I daily sow for more than 30 days?

Yes! If you would like to daily sow beyond the 30 days, feel free.

Personally, when I started daily sowing and saw amazing results in my life, I got addicted to daily sowing!

I made a commitment to sow daily for the rest of my lifeIt's that powerful!

But, I would suggest you commit to the 30 Day Seed Challenge first, then decide about committing longer.

Should I wait until I stop sinning before I sow?

No! Seed sowing is a sin stopper, just like prayer, fasting, and speaking in tongues.

This is healthy and holy soil. This is virtuous, fruitful and productive ground.

When you connect to this clean and clear anointing, there is a divine impartation, a supernatural transference. Your appetite for sin will wither away. 

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:21

When your treasure (time, energy and money) is tied up in the world system, your heart is also tied to it. 

Just like fasting, sowing crucifies your flesh to make your soul submit to your spirit, rather than your flesh. 

"But I say, walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts]." - Galatians 5:16 AMP Translation

Q & A Video


How do I start my daily seed sowing challenge?

You may use any of the sowing options below:



Click for CashApp



Click for Venmo





Click for Paypal


Click for Apple Pay


Click for Google Pay


Only use this option if you pay your balance in full. We only advocate use of credit cards for miles, points and perks. Not for carrying a balance and incurring fees.

Click for Credit Card

AUTOMATIC - $1/day

To set up automatic daily sowing, use this link.

This is set for a ONE-TIME 30-Day DAILY cycle. "30 installments" at $1/day for 30 days.

This is via PayPal and you can use your PayPal account or any debit or credit card. You may cancel the 30-day subscription at anytime. 

Click for Automatic Sowing ($1/day)

AUTOMATIC - $5/day

To set up automatic daily sowing, use this link.

This is set for a ONE-TIME 30-Day DAILY cycle. "30 installments" at $5/day for 30 days.

This is via PayPal and you can use your PayPal account or any debit or credit card. You may cancel the 30-day subscription at anytime. 

Click for Automatic Sowing ($5/day)

AUTOMATIC - $10/day

To set up automatic daily sowing, use this link.

This is set for a ONE-TIME 30-Day DAILY cycle. "30 installments" at $10/day for 30 days.

This is via PayPal and you can use your PayPal account or any debit or credit card. You may cancel the 30-day subscription at anytime. 

Click for Automatic Sowing ($10/day)


Khama Anku

9663 Santa Monica Blvd.

Suite #395

Beverly Hills, CA 90210 


PAYABLE TO: Khama Anku

For Health and Safety: Only Checks, Cashier's Checks, Money Orders, Gift Cards or Prepaid Cards. No items or food. Thank you!


For: Khama Anku

Country: USA

State: California 

When using Moneygram to sow your seed, please e-mail [email protected] with your full name, amount sent and REFERENCE NUMBER. Thank you!


For: Khama Anku

Country: USA

State: California 

When using Western Union to sow your seed, please e-mail [email protected] with your full name, amount sent and MTCN NUMBER. To send WU directly to bank account, and save on transaction fees - please use address, phone number and account details below. Thank you!


Land & Property


You may also sow a seed of Real Estate, Land and Tangible Property.

About Khama Anku

Khama Anku is a Life Coach, Business Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Author & Social Justice Activist (dedicated to ending court record tampering) based in Los Angeles, CA.

She and her team run a successful, global coaching business with a passion to empower people to step into their Anointing and live out their Destiny of Greatness!